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Complete Guide to Prescription Safety Glasses

If you work in a hazardous environment, it’s important to have the right equipment. This includes wearing the appropriate safety glasses. You should also make sure that your prescription safety glasses are up-to-date and fitted correctly so that they don’t interfere with your vision or cause headaches. In this article we’ll look at how you can get a prescription safety glasses, what types of lenses are available and how much they cost.

What are prescription glasses?

Prescription safety glasses are a type of eyewear that protects the eyes from hazards such as flying particles, dust and debris. They can also help protect the wearer from UV rays, which can lead to cataracts and macular degeneration.

There are several types of prescription safety glasses on the market:

  • Single vision lenses (or regular lenses) correct one eye at a time so that both eyes can focus together on an object at different distances. This type is most often used for people without astigmatism (a condition where one or more areas in your cornea bulge outward). If you have astigmatism, opt for bifocal or multifocal lenses instead.
  • Bifocals have two sets of focal points–one set nearsighted and another set farsighted–so they allow users who require both near-and far-sighted vision to see clearly without switching back and forth between different pairs or having their eyes constantly changing focus.
  • Progressive lenses provide additional magnification throughout their entire field of view rather than just at certain distances like regular single vision glasses do; this helps prevent eye fatigue during longer periods spent looking through them

Why do I need prescription safety glasses?

You may be wondering why you need prescription safety glasses. After all, they’re just a pair of glasses that protect your eyes from dust and dirt. But there’s more to it than that!

  • They protect the eyes from UV rays. UV rays are a common cause of skin cancer, so they can also damage the cornea (the front part) of your eye if exposed for long periods of time without protection.
  • They help protect against impact injuries by absorbing some of the force before it reaches your eye ball or retina (the back part). This reduces swelling around these sensitive areas which allows them to heal faster than normal when hit by something hard like a baseball bat or hammer handle during an accident at work site where dust particles are flying everywhere due to heavy machinery working nearby where no one wears protective gear except maybe goggles but those aren’t enough because…
  • You need prescription safety glasses because regular ones don’t fit properly due too many things such as: poor quality materials used in manufacturing process; poor fit due lack proper adjustment options available for customizing each pair depending on individual needs since everyone’s face shape differs slightly from another person making custom fitting impossible unless.

How do I get a prescription for safety glasses?

To get a prescription for safety glasses, you’ll need to take a copy of your current prescription with you to the optician. Your optometrist will then write or draw up a new one that specifically includes your vision needs while wearing safety glasses.

If they are updating an existing prescription and not drawing up an entirely new one, ask them how many dioptres (change in power) were added or subtracted from the previous measurement. This can be helpful in determining whether or not there was any change in overall strength between both pairs of lenses

How much do prescription safety glasses cost?

The price of prescription safety glasses depends on a variety of factors, including the frame material and lens coating. Prices can range anywhere from $100-$500 depending on these factors. The most expensive part of your new pair will likely be the lenses–this is because they need to be custom-made for each individual person’s eyesight.

Some companies offer affordable options if you’re looking for something more budget-friendly (or if you just want an excuse not to spend money).

Sizing and fit of prescription safety glasses

  • Measure your head size

To measure your head size, wrap a measuring tape around the largest part of your bare head (including hair). The resulting number is your hat size. It’s best to do this when you’re wearing whatever type of hat you would normally wear with the glasses; otherwise, it may not be an accurate representation of how they will fit once they’re on your face.

  • Measure your face size

To measure your face size, take a piece of paper and draw two lines that connect opposite corners at 90 degrees from each other–the top line should be parallel with one side of the paper and the bottom line should be parallel with another side of it–then use these guides as reference points for measuring various distances between them (see diagram below). You can also use some kind of ruler or straight edge like a yardstick if you don’t have access to any paper handy! Just remember: every time someone tells me how well-dressed I look today I tell them “It’s all thanks to using proper measuring techniques!”

Prescription safety glasses give you the protection that you need.

Prescription safety glasses give you the protection that you need. In addition to protecting your eyes from the sun and other dangers, prescription safety glasses can help protect your eyes from dust, dirt, and debris.

They also can help improve vision by providing an accurate fit around the lens area of your eye. This will allow for more accurate measurements when determining how much correction is needed for each individual person’s vision problem.

Finally, prescription safety glasses can make a huge difference in how confident we feel while working on projects or doing activities outside in bright sunlight because they provide us with better clarity than non-prescriptive sunglasses do!


We hope this guide has helped you understand the benefits of prescription safety glasses. Prescription safety glasses are a great way to protect your eyes, especially if you work in an environment where there are hazards that could damage your vision or even cause permanent damage if left untreated. If you’re looking for some new frames, check out our selection of prescription sunglasses!

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